Product Obsolescence
Driven to innovate, it’s inevitable that some older Chatsworth Products (CPI) products will become obsolete, but CPI strives to offer replacement products when possible.
Product obsolescence information can be found by searching for the obsolete product by part number*.
Simply enter the part number you are searching for using the Search box below.

If the product has been obsoleted, you will be provided with replacement product information that includes links to the product data sheet and additional information about the replacement product(s).

*If you DO NOT know your part number or need additional assistance to locate it, click here.
If you have any additional questions regarding the status of the product, you’re also welcome to contact
CPI Technical Support.


Contact Technical Support if you have questions about:

  • Products & Installation
  • Consultation Services

In the U.S. call 1-800-834-4969, outside the U.S. & Canada, call +818-739-3400.

Submit a Customer Support Request.

Hours: Mon - Fri, 5am to 5pm, Pacific