Cross-Connect Blog

Telefônica Vivo Project Proves That a Tight Partnership and Product Knowledge are Everything

June 12, 2014

Telefonica Vivo - Case-Study-Telefonica-Vivo.jpgChatsworth Products (CPI) helped Telefônica Vivo, the largest telecom in South America, consolidate its seven data centers into one highly energy-efficient facility in Brazil.

But this story is not only about top-quality cabinets and excellence in technical support and customization capabilities. 

This story is also about CPI’s global distribution partners -- in this case, Anixter and the determination and product knowledge of David Otaki, Anixter’s  major account manager in Brazil.  

Here’s the inside scoop:

Vivo’s data center managers were going to buy cabinets from another manufacturer, so all Otaki was able to do was get was a quick 30-minute meeting with them. On that day, as he waited in the meeting room, he saw a sign on a table that read: “Sustainability: Vivo embraces this Initiative.” 

When Vivo’s team asked if Otaki offered any cabinets with the specs they needed, he answered as he pointed to the table sign: 

“Yes, we do have cabinets that meet these specifications, but I didn’t come here to sell cabinets.”

“We sell sustainability, and I’d like to show you how Vivo can increase its energy efficiency in its data center by 20 percent.”

Find out more about our distributor partners or read the complete case study.

Raissa Carey, eContent Specialist

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